Kosi Bay

Country: South Africa
District: Province of KwaZulu Natal
Type: Lake, Coast

Location size
Coast: 30 km

Distance from
Johannesburg: 487 km

The Kosi Bay estuarine lakes are situated in the extreme north east of the province on the Mozambqiue border. The lakes are large and contain a wide variety of clear water predators including some very large fish. The lakes are best accessed by boat but the adjacent shoreline also contains most of the fish species and can be accessed at specific points by vehicle and then foot. There is an excellent tar road to within about six kilometres of the lakes but the last few kilometres are sand which can be difficult in a sedan car when dry.

Excellent fishing for tropical marine fish in a protected and natural looking area.

How To Get There

From Durban or Johannesburg take the N3 road to Hluhluwe and turn off onto the Sodwana Bay road. At Mbazwana, instead of taking the Sodwana Bay turn off, stay on the main tar road straight through to Mseleneni and then on to the Phelandaba roundabout. Take the third exit, heading for Farazella on the Mozambique border, and go straight through KwaNgwanase for another seven kilometres. Take the main Kosi Bay turn off and stay on it till, after seven kilometres, it takes you to the main Kosi Bay campsite and Reception office.

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Location Details

The Kosi Bay estuarine lakes are accessed through the Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife campsite on the banks of the largest lake. A boat is almost essential to access the interesting areas and the best fishing is usually to be found at channel entrances and where the sand banks drop off into deep water.

The adjacent ocean can be accessed at specific points as follows: Kosi Mouth has a specific road access and there is a parking place right at the mouth. The mouth south bank is one of the best areas and thus entails wading across the rapidly flowing but usually crystal clear mouth. Other ocean shore access areas are Bhanga Neck, Black Rock, Rocktail Bay and Lala Neck.


Main lake species are Caranx ignobilis (up to 30 kg), C. sexfasciatus (3kg), C. papuensis (4kg), Lutjanus argentimaculatus (10kg), Elops machnata (3kg), Spyraena spp (3kg), Acanthopagrus vagus (1.5kg) and Pomadasys commersonnii (3kg).

The main ocean species include C. ignobilis (45kg), C. sexfasciatus (5kg), C. melampygus (6kg), C. papuensis (7kg) and Trachinotus botla (2kg).

How To Fish

The lakes are basically a warm months destination and the ocean is also best during summer. There is, however, such a wide diversity of localities, species and sizes of fish that there is no simple overall effective tactic or strategy. In the lakes mornings and evenings are often best while in the ocean mid day is often the best but it clearly depends on tides and prevailing weather conditions.

Due to the clear water in the lakes and ocean, anglers often try and cast far out as possible and, particularly in the summer months a very rapid recovery of the fly is usually most effective. The best way to fish, however, depends on what you want to catch, where and when and you simply have to adapt your fishing to these and use local knowledge or ask other anglers with experience of the area.


As the size of fish can vary from 40 grams to 40 kilograms and the fishing can be carried out from calm clear water to extremely turbulent surf there is no single answer. Great succes cand fun can be obtained from the use of 4 wt to 12 wt rods depending if you are after new species or massive fish. A good starting point for the average angler is a 9-10 wt rod with an intermediate weight forward line and the usual marine selection of flies such as crazy charlies.

Do not skimp on equipment as the conditions are severe on tackle, cheap reels corrode rapidly and poor drag systems lose fish. Invest in a good outfit so that, should you be lucky enough to hook that fish of a lifetime, you are not let down by equipment performance of a bad knot.

Practical Info

Fishing is open throughout the year for almost all species but the warmer months are definitely better for fly fishing. The lakes, particularly, are very quiet in the colder months of June to October but can be very good as the water warms again and the fish really begin to feed.

The ocean is also best in the warmer months but if the shad (Pomatomus saltatrix) are around then there can be action in the colder months as well. In the lakes a boat is almost essential to access good areas and on the ocean shore fishing from exposed rocks can be rewarding but the rocks are hard and sharp and the waves can be very challenging. Good shoes and even a lifejacket are very useful.

The closest tackle shop is located at the Total garage in KwaNgwanase, 13 km away, and all the basics can be obtained there at reasonable prices.

Good site for accommodation and information on activities and the region

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