Croston's Micro Rabbit Sculpin Brown B/L |
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Croston's Micro Rabbit Sculpin Brown B/L

Croston's Micro Rabbit Sculpin Brown B/L Croston's Micro Rabbit Sculpin Brown B/L, Size 12
Buy: Croston's Micro Rabbit Sculpin Brown B/L
Code Size Unit price Stock Shipping Quantity
Code: FM847112 Size: 12 Unit price: 2,5 EUR Stock: Shipping: unavailable -+

A deadly fips legal Euro Jig streamer, ideal for a more delicate presentations and fishes best "Nymph style" with minimal animation.

A great representation of any number of food items including sculpins, small crayfish, loaches and minnows. The slim natural profile often guarantees a confident take.

The overweight Jig off bead gives a deadly sink and draw action and the jig hook helps with hook up when fishing slower retrieves.

Producer: Fulling Mill
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