Coq De Leon Feathers Veniard |

Coq De Leon Feathers Veniard

Coq De Leon Feathers Veniard Coq De Leon Feathers Veniard Blue Dun
Buy: Coq De Leon Feathers Veniard
Code Color Unit price Stock Shipping Quantity
Code: VCDL_BD Color: Blue Dun Unit price: 12,0 EUR Stock: Shipping: discontinued -+
Code: VCDL_C Color: Speckled Cream Unit price: 12,0 EUR Stock: Shipping: discontinued -+
Code: VCDL_GR Color: Speckled Grey Unit price: 12,0 EUR Stock: Shipping: discontinued -+
Code: VCDL_LG Color: Speckled Light Ginger Unit price: 12,0 EUR Stock: Shipping: discontinued -+
Code: VCDL_MG Color: Speckled Medium Ginger Unit price: 12,0 EUR Stock: Shipping: discontinued -+

Selective and really high-quality feather from the neck scalp of Coq De Leon type of rooster. This is a very luxurious type of feathers with unique draw of single raysof feathers!

Coq de Leon is not only for experienced fly tiers and specialists who definitely do not compromise! Now everyone can afford it and tie beautiful and original looking fly patterns!

The individual quills of these feathers faithfully mimic the detailed parts of the living insects, making this material suitable for the tying of tails and hackles of nymphs or wings of elegant patterns of dry flies for trout and grayling.

Producer: Veniard
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