Cap Guideline GL Multicam Flexfit |
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Cap Guideline GL Multicam Flexfit

Cap Guideline GL Multicam Flexfit Cap Guideline GL Multicam Flexfit S/M
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Buy: Cap Guideline GL Multicam Flexfit
Code Size Unit price Stock Shipping Quantity
Code: GL105001 Size: S/M Unit price: 23,9 EUR Stock: Shipping: discontinued -+
Code: GL105002 Size: L/XL Unit price: 23,9 EUR Stock: Shipping: discontinued -+
Clearance Sale - 20 % discount.

Top quality camo cap by Flexfit, pattern is official licensed black MULTICAM®. Pattern is the proven multienvironment concealment solution. The front features the GL 3D logo embroidery and the back right panel have our snakering logo.

Hard buckram. Matching undervisor. 8 rows of stitching. The cap is made of 8% Cotton / 2% P.U. Spandex. FLEXFIT ® caps feature technology that weaves polyurethane spandex into the sweatband and throughout the entire crown, providing a superbly comfortable fit. Simply put, it is the One & Only Original. Available in two sizes, see guide at bottom of page.

S/M - 54 - 58 cm
L/XL - 57 - 61 cm

Producer: Guideline
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